The National Park Service Turns 100!

Nothing is better or as invigorating as the great outdoors. If you think about it, the U.S. consists of a wide variety of geographic landscapes, natural wildlife and plants, as well as unique ecosystems. We are able to enjoy these wonders fully thanks to the efforts of the National Park System.

The National Park System is celebrating its 100th year of service on August 25 of this year. Because of their efforts, more than 307 million people are able to recreationally visit our national parks, battlefields, monuments and more. We need to stay in touch with not only nature, but also our own national history.

The National Park Service achieves exactly that and more. Currently, there are 22,000 park employees and 221,000 volunteers that keep the National Park Service running smoothly.

The best way to celebrate this centennial anniversary is to explore the wonders of the United States. While you are away, ADT monitored systems will help protect your home. It’s time to explore.

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