Choosing Between New or Used Injection Molding Equipment

Choosing the right injection molding equipment is crucial to running an effective and efficient manufacturing business. Unfortunately, with the technology in manufacturing industry developing at a breakneck speed, it has become more challenging for small and medium companies to keep up with the latest equipment in the market, often due to required high-upfront cost and present logistical limitations of the business.
Because of these setbacks, many manufacturing facility operators choose to invest on used injection molding equipment these days. While a used injection molding equipment may not have the latest bells and whistles, it can still help the facility to produce its desired number of outputs – as long as it was maintained or refurbished properly.
If you are planning to acquire this equipment for your manufacturing company, check the infographic below from Premiere Plastics which presents to us the pros and cons of buying a new and used injection molding equipment.
New or Used Injection Molding Equipment
Infographic Source:

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