Isn’t it nice when somethings you want come neatly packaged in a bundle? You don’t have to individually go search for it or pay for it, you get the whole pack in one place. Sounds perfect, right? Well, we are trying to do the same for many of our courses.
There are certain technologies that go well together, that it just makes sense to take all the courses together. Now, you can. We are offering four amazing bundles that comprise a main technology and all related technologies.
The four bundles include JavaScript, Hadoop Cloud and Big Data, Mean Stack and Database, including all related concepts and technologies.
Not only will the courses cover the fundamentals concepts of the technology, but they will also include amazing examples or projects that you can build along with the instructor. These are really the complete package to learning some pretty cool technologies, and all of these are 90% off!
Online platform is the best because it gives many options to customes and at a lesser price. I have purchase the javaScript bundle in which I got to learn new thing like EmberJS, ReactJS, ExpressJS, etc for $99 at lesser cost from the market which helped to develop as web developer. Now I am confidently building websites and apps with ease.