Paris vs NY Fashion Week

Comparisons are always made between the New York and Paris Fashion Weeks. Our Editor in Chief, Kerstin Weng, has attended both events on several occasions and points out the true and funny differences one would find if traveling to the events themselves. From transportation to drinks – learn what to expect if you are visiting or plan on visiting Paris for this year’s fashion shows. The graphic can also let you know what to avoid to keep you from looking inexperienced and naive in another country. Details are becoming more and more important as the world grows smaller due to easily accessible information. As fashion bloggers, stylists, and designers begin to travel – our infographic lets them know what to expect in which country. The two fashion capitals certainly have their differences but no one can deny how influential both weeks are on the coming year and coming styles. We personally loved what New York had to offer and we eagerly anticipate what Paris will bring. Let’s see how Paris does!

Paris vs NY Fashion Week

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