Why Do Companies Redesign Performance Evaluation for Millennials?

The time is changing.
By 2020, millennials will make more than half of the total U.S. workforce.
Millennials have already entered in all business sectors, and their expectations seem to surprise many employers.
Motivated millennials want their jobs to be more than just a source pay check. They feel attracted to work environment where employee ideas are valued and open communication exists. These young-generation people look for great company culture, clear work expectations, and new learning opportunities to develop their career graph.
Today, many companies are struggling hard to find ways to keep millennials satisfied, engaged and happy.
Out of many processes, employers feel the need to drop annual performance evaluations and revamp reviews.
Many small to large organizations are transforming appraisals to ongoing performance reviews,to shift focus on consistent employee-manager interactions, constructive feedback, skill development and performance improvement.
The post highlights outcomes of ineffective performance reviews, and ways to update performance evaluation system in an organization.
Go through the informative infographic to get tips on engaging millennial talent through a well-structured review approach.
Infographic Source: https://empxtrack.com/blog/what-millennials-expect-from-performance-evaluations/

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