Popular Summer Camps in UAE

As parents, we always make sure our kids get what they need. Of course, one of the basic and most important needs of kids is education. And true enough, kids also need a break from school from time to time. However, these long school breaks can also be a cause of learning loss.

Summer brain drain, as it is commonly called, is when kids experience a backlog or a slide in learning skills due to long school breaks. During summer breaks, kids may suffer minor of major losses in their reading, writing, comprehension, and computation skills. This is why keeping them busy during summer is important.

Kids must form good habits. Finishing a book every summer break is a great idea, as compared to playing game consoles or computer games every day in summer. Encouraging them to watch educational programs is also a good alternative.

But if your budget can accommodate, enrolling your kids in summer camps is the best course of action since this will give them the ability to socialise and gain friends while learning at the same time.

So to give you an idea, here are some amazing summer activity camp types in UAE

Suumer Kids Activity

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