Portland Landscapers Discuss the Underground Workings of a French Drain

The award-winning Portland, Oregon landscaping experts at Landscape East & West have been helping their customers overcome drainage issues for over 30 years, which is why they put together this infographic all about the underground workings of the French drain. What’s more, this infographic examines the many benefits of French drains, such as their relatively low cost, easy installation and generally low maintenance. Plus, water runoff from French drains can be utilized in an environmentally proactive way. For example, the runoff can be used to create a rain garden. This is a terrific idea for anyone who lives in a rainy climate. A rain garden is a large, shallow bed situated at the end of a French drain run filled with gravel and deep rooted, moisture loving plants. If you live in the Pacific Northwest or any other rainy climate, you’ll definitely want to take a look at the helpful information offered by this infographic.

French DrainThis Infographic is provided by Steve Stewart on behalf of : landscapeeast.com blog.

About Nagendra

A dedicated full-time digital marketer with 12+ years of experience in the industry. Since 2015, he has been successfully running infographicportal.com, a platform that showcases high-quality infographics across various topics. Nagendra's expertise lies in creating and executing effective digital marketing strategies that drive engagement and growth. His passion for visual storytelling and commitment to excellence has made him a respected figure in the digital marketing community.

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