Most companies in the world are making every effort to invest in the acquisition of new customers, while at the same time retaining old happy customers. The key to success lies in the fact that we need to know their needs, what will make them happy and get them to come back to us. Statistics show that of all people who have been exposed to a successful marketing campaign, 66% could easily remember the name of the product and the brand itself. That’s quite a number and an argument for the importance of employing different marketing strategies. Due to that fact, it is important that you always give your best shot and put some great ideas into your package for loyal customers.
Really good commercial
Good advertisement contains useful and precise information as to why someone should invest in a specific product or service, its strengths and advantages over the competition. The information must absolutely clear and, most importantly, short and straight to the point. It should also be memorable, so make sure you focus on interesting and informative content instead of forcing people to go through irrelevant statistics.
Branded promotional products can play a great role as advertisements for a brand. Attractive packaging and creativity will make your product memorable in the long run, and usability of the promotional content will make sure your target audience will always keep your brand around them (interesting keychains and hiqh-quality pens are a great example of that)..
Making the product appeal to audiences of different age-groups is preferable too, so feel free to experiment with colours and maybe even cartoon characters in order to appeal to a younger consumer group.
Holiday discounts and actions
Christmas and Easter holidays (among many others) are great time to show how much you appreciate customer’s loyalty and show gratitude. A nice little trick is to create some special offers, for example: larger package for the same price, certain benefits of purchasing a holiday themed product, or you can simply give away some promotional material (cap, scarf, wallet, cup, glass, apron, etc.).
Another good example is to create a special membership with more benefits, where you can then include bonus holiday offers each year. It will make customers feel like a part of a large family and appreciate your brand even more.
Price – Quality
Price and quality are the two main parameters but can often be seen as one. You must find the optimal balance between these two things, but at the same time keeping in mind and paying more attention to the quality of the product as it will not only attract new customers but also keep loyal ones in the long run.
Along with that, a warm smile and friendly approach will also ensure that we will be remembered as a pleasant, friendly and professional company. The point is to understand your customers’ needs and provide the exact service they are looking for with ease and great professionalism.
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