2015: The Year the Rideshare Industry Crushed the Taxi

Ridesharing has risen to the scene only a couple of years ago but, it has become the biggest trend of 2016 already. Ridesharing companies like Uber have turned into a case study of massive success by reaching the top of the billion dollar club in no time.

It may come as a surprise to many, how an on-demand app could undergo such a rapid growth but, the tech pundits already know that ridesharing has exploited an untapped niche of the market that still has a long way to go. The efficiency and comfort of calling a ride from home has appealed the end customers so much that one out of every 3 US citizens admits to having used the service at least once.

Today, ridesharing apps are mushrooming throughout the world and ridesharing giants like Uber are operating in more than 68 countries. Many a people are considering this trend as the death of traditional taxi, as we know it.Rideshare Industry

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