Sand: The Permian’s Ticking Time Bomb

What are the costs associated with proppant use, what can we do about them, and what will they look like in the future? Dragon Products has done the research to show what the market looks like now and what it may look like moving into the future.

The Permian Basin hydraulic fracturing industry is growing rapidly thanks to the rising prices for oil and gas in the United States. The factors involved in this rise are complicated, but in this infographic we will be focusing on the impact of the use of frac sand and other proppants on the costs of fracking in the Permian Basin.

To help solve this issue, Dragon Products has designed and unveiled a new line of products dedicated to frac sand transportation. The pneumatic roll-off Sand Pod I and Sand Pod II as well as the Sand Force trailer will help make a big difference in your bottom line.
Free Frac Sand
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