6 Scary Ways Alcohol Damages the Brain

6 Scary Ways Alcohol Damages the Brain

Brain SPECT imaging as part of a comprehensive evaluation to help the patients discover the root causes of addiction. Healing any underlying brain dysfunction that may be contributing to substance abuse is an important factor that helps prevent relapse. Addiction counselors and treatment centers across the nation refer patients to Clinics for brain imaging and brain optimization because a healthier …

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How Does Alcohol Affect the Brain?

More than 85% of adults report drinking alcohol at some point in their lives. This practice is not considered bad until it goes over the board. But how much alcohol can lead to negative consequences, particularly to the brain? Slurred speech, difficulties with balance and coordination, noticeable impairment of motor functions and vision, memory loss – obviously, alcohol affects the …

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The Effects Of Alcohol On Our Brain

Most people enjoy every occasion with friends and colleagues. Nevertheless, drinking alcohol could bring fun like you won’t stop. Life won’t be boring without friends and a bottle of Jack. Like partying every Friday and binge with them to ease the stressful week from work. Alcohol is like an addictive drug you can not resist. The more you get close …

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Power your Brain by Playing Piano

The art of playing the piano is an old one, previously restricted to the higher /upper class in centuries gone by. This has changed in modern times, with the modern individual having a chance to play it perfectly through many lessons and teachers. However, recent scientific studies have found a correlation between playing the piano and improving brain functions. The …

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Boosting Brain Power With Brain Octane Oil

Brain octane oil improves mental clarity and dexterity by providing your brain with the right fatty acids in exactly the right amounts. Doing so allows you to experience sharpened mental decisiveness, as well being able to overcome ‘brain fog’. It’s an exciting product for anyone who wants to supercharge their brain. Taking brain octane oil is as easy as adding …

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Does Brain Size Matter

If there is any correlation between brain size and intelligence? The answer is no, otherwise elephant would be the smartest animal on the planet. However, studies show that brain size normalized on a body mass and brain complexity result in a higher intelligence. Please see infographic made by healthcare volunteer Yoshi Perera who likes to contribute content on a popular …

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A guide to Traumatic Brain Injuries

Understanding the seriousness associated with traumatic brain injuries can sometimes be extremely difficult. Understanding brain injury diagnosis, and treatment options can be challenging, and can take a long time to process. There are many questions that someone who has experienced a brain injury may ask, such as one’s ability to continue work, how it will affect one’s life down the …

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