Fascinating Facts About English Literature Major

Is your major English Literature and you don’t know where to start your career? We can help you. You will find useful hints about your potential professions and where to start your career. You can start working in any of the following: written communication, critical thinking, research, understanding different points of view, making and presenting an argument, creativity. Here are …

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Evolution of the Children’s Story

The infographic in question is a detailed timeline charting the Evolution Of The Children’s Story: beginning with Aesop’s Fables right back at around 600BC and ending with the most recent novel on the list, Suzanne Collins’ ‘The Hunger Games’ (2008). This timeline celebrates the most popular children’s stories of different eras: mentioning the particular struggles or circumstances that have faced …

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10 Fiction Characters Based on Real People

Famous literary characters aren’t always creations of fantasy. Sometimes real people become real-life models for fiction heroes we love or hate. Writers have talent to notice unusual in ordinary and put it on paper. So, who are those people who helped our favorite fiction characters be born? Check out our infographic, we picked the best for you. Infographic source: http://www.freshessays.com/infographics/10-fiction-characters-based-on-real-people.html

Nobel Prize in Literature

This infographic is about noble prize winners in literature. I think that such visual will be useful for every person who likes literature and the history of literature. On this infographic we can find some statistics, like the most popular genre among the nobel prize winners, which gender has more nobel prizers and an average age of the noble prize …

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