The Benefits of Maintaining Business Relationships with Clients


Long-term success in today’s commercial environment depends on building and keeping good connections with customers. Relationships in the workplace are based on mutual respect, communication, and trust. Businesses may get various advantages by investing in client relationships, including more customer loyalty, better feedback, and higher income. This article will discuss benefits of maintaining business relationships with clients. Increased Loyalty Repeat …

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Swiping Right: How Smartphones Changed Relationships

loveit coverit is conducting an ongoing project that investigates how our lives have changed since the introduction of smartphones. In our latest project – Swiping Right: How Smartphones Changed Relationships – we shine a spotlight on how the dating landscape has transformed in recent years. By collecting research from various sources across the UK and the wider world, we explore …

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How Social Media Impacts Our Relationships

When was the last time you put down your phone and talked to your loved ones to hear about how their day was? You probably don’t remember it because you spend most of your day just going through your phone checking social media all the time. We all are guilty of this. The truth is social media is negatively affecting …

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