Talk Kratom presents Things To Know While Taking Kratom. Our infographic describes a few things to know when trying kratom.
- STAY HYDRATED: Make sure you drink plenty of water when consuming kratom.
- TRY IT ON AN EMPTY STOMACH: Kratom has been known to cause nausea. Trying it on an empty stomach is a common practice for beginners.
- KNOW YOUR KRATOM DOSE: Each Kratom strain has specific strengths. Make sure you are aware of the dosages and start small.
- KNOW YOUR VENDOR: Quality kratom is important. You need to make sure you’re buying from a reputable source.
- BE WELL INFORMED: Be informed of the different kratom strains, what they are known for, and what’s best for you.
- UNDERSTAND LOCAL KRATOM LAWS: Kratom is legal in the US however some states and municipalities. Make sure you kratom isn’t illegal in your area.