High performance vehicles are now cheaper to run than ever thanks to the choice of the most powerful diesel engines, cleaner turbocharged petrols and accessible hybrid technology. Here we picked our favorite performance cars with engine power, torque, top speed and high horsepower. Having the most common body style and features, there is available wide variety of super saloons on the market which emits huge performance by offering enough space for even four persons with their luggage. In this infographics, we have rounded up ten of our hot favorite super saloons with high horsepower. Now with the genuine 200+ mph performance and high tech dynamics, the latest pick of saloons with high horsepower have true super car attracting performance. Not only geared up with a salient features, these saloons come with high performance engine specs too. The best thing these days is how to get a full package car with not only top speed, but also in high horsepower giving remarkable fuel economy.
Infographic Source: https://www.enginetrust.co.uk/blog/top-10-saloons-high-horsepower-engines/