Experts’ Roundup Infographic – 10 Digital Marketing Experts Shed Light on the Top Industry Trends for 2016

The smart phone has definitely fueled a huge leap in the digital marketing trend. With people now able to shop and search through their convenient mobile phones, the amount of online buyers have drastically increased. However, that also means that online sellers sticking to the traditional methods of marketing are missing out on a lot of possible buyers. The arrival of the tablet underlined the boom for digital marketing as businesses position themselves to be more recipient for the online shopper.
These two events that fueled huge change in digital marketing however appear to be just the beginning. Digital marketing experts are of the opinion that more changes will happen in 2016 and those who have a vested interested in keeping their profits flowing should anticipate what would happen.
But what exactly would these changes be? Here’s what digital marketing experts think about the 2016 landscape and how internet entrepreneurs can adjust to make the most of these changes:Digital Marketing Trends 2016
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