The Dirty Dozen: 12 Toxic Chemicals in Cosmetics that You Must Avoid

60% of what you put on your skin is absorbed by your body. With that information alone, you should be more cautious in choosing personal care products.
You can’t be so sure of a product’s safety without even looking into the ingredients it uses. There are effects that will take a long time for symptoms to surface and for sure, you wouldn’t want to end up clueless of the dangers that may come with the products of your choice.
Prevention is always better than cure and to help you stay away from the gruesome effects of toxic chemicals that are still used in makeup and cosmetics, Alyaka, UK’s reputable retailer of niche perfumes and beauty products, shares with you an infographic with information that you have to see.
Here’s a visual representation of the dangers that come with cosmetics that make use of toxic chemicals, to inform you about the toxic ingredients that may be found in the products that you’re using.
Toxic Chemicals in Cosmetics
Infographic Source:

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