Turnitin Similarity: How Much Is Too Much

When you need to produce a written paper, it’s always essential to ensure the originality of your work. Different things can result in instances of plagiarism. That includes when you use existing work that belongs to you, but without the proper reference.

To avoid this, try and paraphrase as much content as you can. That is, take the main ideas from the source material and write them in your own words. Where you cannot do this; quoting can be the ideal way around this.

However, you have to keep the number of quotes in your content, to the minimum. Whether you quote or paraphrase the ideas from the source, always remember to cite your sources correctly.

A plagiarism checker such as Turnitin allows you to filter the parts of the text that you would like to test. Be it Quotes, Bibliography or the percentage of matches that you may want to include in the similarity report.

Infographic Source: https://www.paraphrasinguk.com/how-to-paraphrase-and-beat-turnitin/

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One comment

  1. Prof. Ochuko Anomohanran

    I am a professor at the Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria. My University has been using Checker X in checking for plagiarism. However, the new Vice Chancellor whats a change to Turnitin because those who have used it are recommending it. Can you please send us a subscription rate for the University please.

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