UK Millennials: Attitudes to the Lending Market

What do UK millenials look for in a personal or unsecured loan? UK-based financial servicing company Target Group polled 1,000 millennials (the demographic aged roughly between 18 and 35), asked them about their borrowing habits, and put the insights into this infographic. Do millennials use comparison sites or asks friends and family for recommendations, for example? Do they do their research on a desktop computer or via a mobile device? What are their reasons for taking out a loan, i.e. what do they typically need the money for? The infographic highlights millennials’ borrowing habits, their technology use in the process (from the research stage right through to actually applying), their overall thoughts on borrowing, their brand loyalty habits and more. Despite being a tech-savvy audience, a small percentage of the millennials polled still preferred to sort out their application over the phone and/or face-to-face, but for the majority, there is most certainly an emphasis on trying to keep the process almost entirely online where possible.
Millennials Attitudes to the lending market
Infographic Source:

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