The Waste of E-Waste

Hello there guys and girls. Hope you have a great week! Is your present shopping going well? I am so glad it does. Perhaps some new gadgets for you and your loved ones. That’s great! But lets get a bit more familiar with what are we actually about to throw to the bin when we get those new gadgets.

Obviously we wont use the old one any more so they have to go! Circle of life, right? There is nothing wrong with that you work hard, you deserve to have something new that brings you joy. However this info graphic is made to make you more aware of the waste you are about to contribute to.

Hundreds if not millions of old devices are getting thrown away each year, and if this is not done properly all those valuable minerals and metals will be gone for good. If you want some more info on the matter, please have a look at our waste management article.

Waste of E-Waste
Infographic Source:

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One comment

  1. Nice infographic and nice info about e-waste. I also found another one website. There have very informative info. Take a look e-waste recycling blog.

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