8 Great Ways to Personalize Your Customer Service

Customer service is at the core of any business. Excellent customer service leads to satisfied customers, while disorganized, unpleasant customer service can drive customers away.

Compared to face-to-face interaction, it can be challenging to display the appropriate levels of concern to customers. People cannot simply smile or be polite online. Things like constructing the right message on the appropriate channel are significant factors to consider.

Depending on the business, some platforms are more active than others. For example, for online retail stores, their target audience is likely more active on Instagram and Facebook. Ecommerce retail stores can post pictures and videos about their products while engaging with their audience.

With this, crafting messages appropriate for each platform must differ because of its purpose and features. This is where personalization comes in.

Personalizing customer service involves understanding context, communication, priorities, data collection, and many others.

Understanding the target audience is the first step in personalizing customer service. Things like knowing their name, understanding their needs, and their interests allow businesses to interact with the customers properly.

Next is the planning phase, where a company can map out its customer journey. Knowing the customer’s journey allows brands to create touchpoints that they can use to connect to the customers. This leads to properly framed messages that address their needs.

On a social networking platform like Instagram, customers may be interested in a product that a store posted and may inquire about it. It is the company’s responsibility to craft a message that helps the customer understand the product and entice them to purchase it.

However, crafting messages is one step of the process. With the multitude of online platforms, there are other strategies that businesses can implement.

Below is an infographic with a more in-depth discussion of these methods.

Ways to Personalize Your Customer Service

Great Ways to Personalize Your Customer Service

Infographic Source: https://strataccess.com/insights/8-ways-to-personalize-your-customer-service/

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