Did you know that there are companies who specialize in lifting whole houses? It’s not the most common of home improvement projects but there are times where people choose to lift their homes off the ground. And it’s not reserved for the rich and famous either. Thanks to modern technology house lifting is surprisingly accessible. For most people, the need to lift their home will only arise if they live in a flood zone. With the house raised a few feet of the ground, a new foundation can be laid and the house will be at far less risk from flood damage. This is the most common reason for house lifting, but it’s by no means the only one.
People who want to add a basement, or increase the height of an existing basement may have their house lifted too. In rare cases there’s the odd homeowner who wants a better view. Perhaps a new development has obstructed the view in front of their home. Another solution is to turn the house around! It might sound crazy but there have been occasions where homeowners have opted for that solution instead of moving!
These are some of the reasons that people choose to lift their houses.
It did catch my attention when you said that people lift their houses because they want to add a new floor and convert their crawlspace into a basement. My husband said that he wanted our house to have an additional floor where we can keep some of the things that we no longer use. He thinks that we’ll have a bigger space right after adding a new floor, so we’ll be sure to consider house raising soon.