With & Without Step Therapy

Step therapy is a treatment plan decided by insurers, where patients must take drugs selected by the insurer. This method may not be the most appropriate treatment for some patients. These substitutes medicine , which increases the cost to patients.
Step therapy requires patients to try one or more medications before being covered for the drug orginally prescribed by health care providers. As a result of these delays, patients may experience side-effects and life-threatening risks.
An infographic from Step Therapy Info, explains about three major effects of step therapy: How Step therapy impacts patients healthcare, shocking truth about step therapy and explains the procedure of with and without step therapy and it would help creating an awareness among patients to choose the prescribed drug suggested by doctors in the 1st attempt itself.Step-Therapy
Infographic Source: http://www.steptherapyinfo.com/blog/infographic-with-without-step-therapy/

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