Worksite Risk Assessment: 6 Steps to Follow

Realistically speaking, the worksite is one of the leading factors that can significantly influence the physical and mental condition of an employee. That is the reason why it is very crucial for every company to have a regular risk assessment on their worksites to identify several potential hazards that can threaten the safety of the workers. This is of course aside from other foolproof methods such as investing in important things like Personal Protective Equipment or PPE.
But first of all, what is risk assessment? According to Health and Safety Executive, risk assessment is defined as “….a careful examination of what, in your work, could cause harm to people, so that you can weigh up whether you have taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm….”
While doing a worksite risk assessment, it is highly essential for the employees to involve themselves in the process to achieve the most desirable results: to provide knowledge and prepare a detailed plan on keeping a healthy and safe environment within the premises of the worksite.
The infographic below will further discuss the six steps in conducting a risk assessment to a worksite as well as some tips in prolonging safety measures.

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