15 of the Most Ridiculous Things People Have Put on Their CV

What should we remember, when we are writing own CV? First of all it is to follow some guidelines, and be attantive to details. If not, we can make our CV useless, because of  mistakes, like grammar mistakes, etc. Even we wrote our CV that  is perfect, such small mistakes can affect on our final application and risk to be rejected in applying to the work.
Information below will be useful for everyone who are writing his own CV, because this list of most craziest and ridiculous things on CV, can teach you what is wrong in writing your CV.Ridiculous Things on CV
Infographic Source : http://www.resumewritingservice.biz/15-of-the-most-ridiculous-things-people-have-put-on-their-cv/

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One comment

  1. haha! this was a funny one but on a serious note, since I am myself a CV writing consultant, I think people do not care that much about their CV as much they care about getting the job and thats not good. CV makes or breaks the first impression and it should be taken seriously. Hope those who are reading this blog or my comment would start to take CV writing serious and I am sure it will boost the chances of getting their dram job. Lets create some CV awareness 🙂

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