Business Analytics Jobs – Expected Salary Ranges in 2023

Get up to date with the latest salary information for Business Analytics jobs. The data is aggregated from Glassdoor for 3 cities in US and UK. The jobs are a mix of entry level and senior roles, and some of them may require previous IT experience. The bars represent average salaries with values in USD. The values for London are displayed in GBP, but the bars are converted to USD for a fair comparison with the US cities.

It should be a reference point for people trying to have a first-time job in business analytics as well as people who are already experienced in the field. The infographic should provide a helicopter view over what the market has to offer for fresh graduates that look to start a business analytics career.

The infographic was executed by Hult International Business School in January 2023 and it should be updated on yearly basis.

Business Analytics Jobs

Infographic Source:

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