15 Simple Finance Tips to Manage Your Money in Your 30s

As you reach your 30’s you’ll get through countless transitions. You get to climb the career ladder, get married, build a family or have kids. This means you are also bound to get through a financial roller coaster.
Whether you are about to turn 30 or you are halfway towards 40, these 15 financial tips are sure to help you out.
1.Set Your Spending Priorities Straight
You are now old enough to realize which past decisions are regrettable and which ones were worth it. We all have different priorities. Each of us has a different pace in life but all of us have priorities.
If you are already married, you can sit down with your wife and talk about what you want to accomplish with your money. As a married couple, you have to make a mutual decision to reach your goals. Do you want to buy a house? Perhaps you want to start building a college fund for your kids?
If you are single, you can start contemplating what you really want to achieve. Everyone wants to save money, but what is your personal purpose for saving up? Spending while focusing on your priorities can give you a sense of fulfillment and happiness once you get older.
2.Track Your Expenses
When you were in your 20s and you have a regular job, you feel that money will regularly come even if you don’t know where your last salary went.
In your 30s, you begin to think how you can save up for emergencies. Get to know where you can spend less to increase your savings. It’s time to start tracking your finances up to the last cent. This way you will know if you are spending within your means or you have slipped into overspending habits.
3. Evaluate Your Financial Progress
Have you ever tried evaluating your financial progress from 10 years ago? Are you proud of yourself or mentally slapping your forehead?
Take a look at your missteps and find out how to make better decisions. If you have discovered bad financial habits such as paying for a gym membership you are not using, then either cut it off or optimize its use.
4. Increase Your Emergency Fund
What seems to be enough amount of emergency fund 10 years ago may not be the same now that you are in your 30s. If you already have kids or you are now taking care of your retired parents, you need to find some way to reorganize your finances and increase your emergency funds. After all, you will never know when you are going to need it.
5. Get a Loan Only From a Legit Lender
There will be times when you fall short despite having an emergency fund. Fortunately, there are licensed lending firms like cash mart who now have online loan applications.
This way you can avoid dealing with loan sharks and their outrageous fees. When applying for an instant cash loan, you must take your time to shop around for a reputable legal lender.
They usually have competitive interest rates, reasonable fees, flexible payment terms, and the fastest loan process. And since they are licensed, you can be assured to have fair loan agreements and data privacy.
6. Value Your Time
A time well-spent is an achievement that we are not getting younger. Spend more time with your loved ones. Add to that, you can look for ways to maximize your time and earn more efficiently.
Avoid mind-numbing activities (certain app games and social media) that lets hours go by without you making any creative thinking or activities. Unless it is making you earn money or feel accomplished, you need to spend your time somewhere else.
7. Get a Life Insurance
If your family finances highly depend on your work, they will be in great financial despair should anything happen to you. Most of us don’t want to talk about death or permanent disability. But the truth is we must be prepared for it. Wouldn’t it be a peace of mind knowing that our family will be taken care of should we be suddenly gone?
8. Develop Good Spending Habits
Remember the previous tip where I have said to track your expenses? It will come in handy when you start developing good spending habits. Spend on things based on value not based on the cheap price.
If you have listed all the things that you have bought, you will easily see which ones have been of great value and which were a waste of money. Now that you are consciously spending your money, continue tracking it to keep yourself in check.
9. Buy Health Insurance
Buying health insurance means you don’t have to dip into your emergency funds or retirement benefit funds. Add to that, your family will not have to worry where to get cash to pay off your medical expenses. Choose health insurance that covers you and your immediate family members. Take the time to compare packages and premiums.
10.Make a Will
Making a will is not only for the mega rich. If you have assets, then you have to make sure that your wishes regarding it will be properly carried out. And in case that you have minor kids, you will be able to provide for their guardianship.
11.Use Credit Cards Wisely
Most of us have credit cards, but many don’t know how to optimize its use. Or worse, many have slipped into spiraling credit card debts.
When you swipe something on your credit card, make sure that you can settle the bill in full. Though banks encourage minimum payments, they usually do not point out that you will still be charged with an interest should you fail to settle the bill on time?
12.Diversify Your Investment
They say that when you invest in stocks, you should invest in various industries and companies. You can’t afford to put all the eggs in one basket. So when you diversify your investments, you should also consider other ways to earn passive income aside from stocks.
13.Invest in a New Skill
There are many reasons to learn a new skill. You might be considering to either climb the career ladder or venture to other careers. Perhaps you want to start your own company or simply have a side hassle. Whatever the reason, a new skill usually gives you more opportunities.
14. Give Back
If you are now financially comfortable, you can start giving back to others. Not only donations can reduce your tax, but it can also give you a sense of fulfillment. All of us received kindness early in our lives and paying it back will multiply the good act.
Add to that, if your kids see you doing charity, donating or volunteering, they will instill in them the value of helping others.
15. Enjoy Life
When we think of being prudent, most people would focus on budgeting. However, this might give you a sense of too much self-deprivation. Money can be a means to an end but you don’t want to wait for your retirement to enjoy it.
You are now in your 30s. This is the age that you have the means to earn money and the energy to reach your dreams may it be to travel, buy a house or settle down to get married. You don’t want to reach 65 and regret not trying the things you have always wanted.
Handling your finances like a pro will take time, self-discipline, and focus. When you slip, don’t sulk too much. Remember your priorities. Let it go and get back to the track.

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