The 21 Biggest Data Breaches of the 21st Century

Cybersecurity has been a top priority for many businesses looking to protect themselves from a data breach. According to Norton, the United States is the number 1 target of cyber attacks, followed by India and then Japan. Despite this research, Canadian organizations are also recognizing their vulnerabilities and starting to take action.
A recent survey from Statistics Canada found more than one in five Canadian companies say they were hit by a cyber attack in 2017. These businesses went on to spend a combined total of $14 billion on cybersecurity to confront ongoing risks in the digital world.
The 21st century has been a tumultuous period for cybercrime. The infographic below illustrates the largest data breaches in recent history — with social networking sites experiencing some of the most detrimental attacks.
The above infographic shows nearly 4 million records are becoming lost or stolen every day — with cybercriminals becoming more and more sophisticated each year. This means organizations must stay extra vigilant when it comes to protecting their assets. The best way to do this is to hire the services of a professional security firm. Data encryption, regular risk assessments and a solid breach response are just some of the areas in which experts can help.
Investing in cybersecurity is a small price to pay for peace of mind. Strengthen your business by implementing the tools that will keep you one step of ahead of the criminals. Not only will you be able to protect valuable company data, but also maintain the trust of your customers in the years ahead.
21 Biggest Data Breaches of the 21st Century
Infographic Source:

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