10 Biggest Insurance Claim Payouts of All Time

Biggest Insurance Claim Payouts

This infographic from Falcon Insurance explores the 10 biggest insurance claim payouts of all time, showcasing astonishing financial settlements across various industries. Each claim demonstrates the massive risks and compensations involved in unique situations, from natural disasters to man-made catastrophes. Among the top payouts, we see cases like Hurricane Katrina, where over $41.1 billion was paid out, making it the …

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The 21 Biggest Data Breaches of the 21st Century

Cybersecurity has been a top priority for many businesses looking to protect themselves from a data breach. According to Norton, the United States is the number 1 target of cyber attacks, followed by India and then Japan. Despite this research, Canadian organizations are also recognizing their vulnerabilities and starting to take action. A recent survey from Statistics Canada found more …

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Biggest Global Cybersecurity Trends in 2018

As the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud, and mobile technologies become more widespread in the business industry, cyber-attacks targeted towards the business sector also increases accordingly. This is especially true in the small business sector as recent studies shown that they have become the biggest victims when it came to cyberattacks last year. Not only do they suffer more malware …

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Top 10 Biggest cargo ships in the World (Part 1 of 2)

None is unconscious of the curious importance of the sea cargo all around the world. Everyone needs to import and export one’s goods everywhere in the world. It’s visible that sea cargo is one of the oldest and largest sources of cargo handling since when Saint Noah ‘introduced first ship’. Started cargo handling through the sea cargo. Saint’s Noah ship …

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The Success Story of The Biggest Online Payment System {PayPal}

Founded in the late 90’s by Elon Musk and a group of enthusiasts, PayPal is now recognized as the world’s largest online payment processor. See more astonishing facts about PayPal in the infographic below compiled by experts from Play-N-Pay. After enduring some early ups and downs, the company proliferated. Between the years 2000 and 2002, PayPal grew big enough to …

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Biggest Plagiarism Issues in the History

Today plagiarism has become one of the biggest issues for academic’s, mass media world. Today internet has come to most homes around the world and people have a great possibility to read what they want and when they want. So, because of this fact we have to be really attentive when we use any of information from the internet. Each word have to …

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