5 Additional Courses Your College Student Should Take

Your son or daughter is about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. A four-year journey into advanced studies will soon be underway at college. Your child has already chosen a major that will set the stage for a career. You’ve studied the course catalog together. As your young adult plans on choosing electives, be sure to include practical options that will be helpful later in life.


Sign Up for Self-Defense

In today’s world, everyone should know how to protect themselves. Physical education courses are typically required for a college degree, whether it is an associate’s or a bachelor’s degree. If your child’s college offers self-defense, signing up should be strongly encouraged. Otherwise, the local police department or community groups may offer a course. Self-defense is beneficial for men and women. It’s a plus for anyone who is not athletic or small in stature, offering them the skills they need to take on a dangerous adversary. Knowing what to do gives your son or daughter the element of surprise.

Learn Valuable Public Speaking Skills

Many believe verbal communication has become a lost art. High school courses don’t include verbal presentations as often as they did in the past. Every college student should find room in their schedule for public speaking. It will give them the skills and confidence they need when they are out in the work world. Public speaking can help your college student during interviews when interacting with clients, or while cooperating with colleagues.

Learn the Basics About Building a Website

This is the age of technology when online platforms reign. Therefore taking courses relating to websites and blogging are a wise choice. WordPress training courses make it simple for anyone to build or manage their own website with confidence. Your son or daughter can learn how to build and enhance a website. This may benefit them in their coursework. It can also help if your college student is thinking about being an entrepreneur.

The beauty of WordPress is it offers all the tools needed to make an attractive website. The finished product can look like it has been done by a professional with the right guidance. Training courses can take a website to the top. The better the site, the more successful it can be. Employers will value staff members who are wizards with WordPress. Your son or daughter could go from an entry-level position to someone with a private office.

Brush Up on Writing Skills

Being an average writer isn’t enough in a competitive world. This especially holds when everyone is used to taking shortcuts while texting or on social media. Your college student needs to be solid when it comes to written communication. Excelling in writing can push a resume to the top of the pile, move your son or daughter up the company ladder, or open the door to new opportunities. Saying something in writing can be a diplomatic advantage that can smooth the way in dealings with competitors. It could also make the big boss take notice.

Focus on Personal Finances

In the past, business math or consumer math would prepare students for dealing with finances in the real world. Many high schools have felt a funding crunch, forcing them to eliminate electives. Suggest personal finances as a course for your student on the way to college. At some point in the journey, this class will teach your young adult valuable skills.

This will help them to learn how to balance a checkbook, the advantage of setting up a savings account, and determining how much money you should pay yourself before paying anyone else. Students will learn about establishing credit, how to select loans and credit cards, and the importance of a positive credit score. The biggest takeaway should be learning how to live within one’s means. Saving up to buy something is better than living under the burden of a hefty debt.

Your son or daughter will have to take classes that are a must for a particular degree. However, there is usually wiggle room, especially when it comes to the liberal arts. Including courses that will provide a strong foundation in important skills could ease the way to a fulfilling career. They could even spark an interest in a different field.

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