After a long day of classes, assignments, and other commitments, it’s nice to come home to a cozy place that is both comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. Unfortunately for students living in university housing, there isn’t much room for adding your personal touches or spending money on expensive furniture pieces.
Also, student housing can be expensive. There are many factors to consider when deciding what furniture to buy for your home, but not all they need to cost a lot of money. Here are four affordable options you can use when furnishing your student apartment!
Consider Multi-purpose Furniture
To begin with, look for multipurpose furniture. For example, you can buy a desk chair instead of an office chair and ottoman set. Or get two small dressers instead of one large dresser – this will help save space in your room! A futon mattress or pull-out couch are great options because they allow over one person to sleep on it at once.
And if you’re looking for even cheaper options, there’s always the option of buying used items from Craigslist or other local sources. If someone else isn’t using their old bed frame anymore, why not buy it off them?
Go for Cheaper Furniture
The next thing you need to keep in mind is that cheaper doesn’t always mean worse quality. If you’re looking for an affordable mattress, there are plenty of options out there. Suppose you want a second opinion before making your purchase decision. Ask friends who have bought similar products from different companies. Chances are they’ll be able to give you some helpful feedback about any potential issues or cons associated with each product, too.
Similarly, let your fellow dorm mates know what furniture pieces you plan on purchasing so that they can tell whether they’ve had success with them as well! Besides these affordable furniture options, it’s also essential to consider the size and design of your room. For more tips on making your dorm room comfortable and livable.
Consider Buying Used Furniture
Used furniture is a great way to save money and get quality items for your home or apartment. Consider buying used appliances, such as refrigerators, ovens, microwave ovens, washers, and dryers, depending on what you will need during school years.
Make sure that all used pieces are sound before making purchases, so there won’t be any issues later when using them in daily life. Check online classified ads to find other people selling their items who may have similar taste levels as yourself looking to make a quick sale at a low price point.
Consider not Buying too Much
Remember that you don’t need as much furniture as you think for a college apartment – some people choose not to buy any extra items besides their bed frame. It all depends on what feels most comfortable for you, so do plenty of research before deciding how many pieces will be enough.
Also, make sure everything will fit through your doorways – if an entire bedroom set doesn’t fit in the room, then you’ll have to buy smaller pieces that will—for example, a dresser instead of a chest or nightstands instead of armoires.
Learn how to recognize quality – it may take some time and research on your end, but once you get this down, it’s easy money saved! Look into student discounts – sometimes these deals aren’t advertised very well. Thus, do lots of googling beforehand and plan out all your purchases ahead of time.
If you are looking for affordable student housing, there are several options available to you. Whether it’s off-campus or on-, finding furniture that won’t break the bank is key. Some off-campus apartments like ruckus west campus apartments even offer fully furnished apartments. This is great because you don’t have to commit to buying furniture you eventually will have to move to another apartment.
Final Thoughts
Students need to budget when planning their living arrangements by understanding the pros and cons of renting a room versus an apartment—staying in school housing vs. off-campus housing options. Also, the furniture you will need for each space can save you from unnecessary expenses that may be scarce while trying to get through college.