Androids Are Taking Over

Android smartphone is growing popularity among other mobile based OS. Almost every second have an android smartphone on their purse, cloches.  It is easy to use and offers many free applications as compare to Apple Phone. No doubt that soon android phone will ruling all over the world.
Through my infographic I tried to show comparison of Android and Apple phone. The evolution of android version from cupcake to nougat, the unending use of android phone, Countries using android smartphone growth rate of smartphone.
The trend of android phone will be increasing day by day and the requirement of new handset gives the opportunity to manufacture more advanced and useful features in it.
The top android based smartphone like Samsung, LG, HTC, Motorola, Sony, Acer, Google etc. are always in a race to produce new handset. Well no matter what android will keep on rising with every new morning.
Android Data

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