What’s the Best Length of a Video?

Businesses both large and small use video to promote their brand. Video length is an important topic when seeking how to best target your audience. Here at IdeaRocket, we often refer to two studies that video host Wistia has posted. The question that needs to be asked is: How much information does the audience need in order to achieve your objective? This is essentially weighing information needs against the impatience of the audience to achieve the best results. In most cases, the longer the video is, the more likely that audience members will determine it isn’t worth their time. As a result, we often work with our clients to reduce the initial length of their video. This way, clients can get their point across to an attentive audience.
As fans of the comic book form of storytelling, we have presented our findings in what we like to refer to as a “toongraphic”. This showcases our studio’s iconic style of storytelling in a unique fashion.
Infographic Source: http://idearocketanimation.com/11672-long-video/

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