Cat Training Tips (for Real and Not Quite)

Any cat cab be a star performer with the right encouragement. It has always been like that in spite of the common misconception that cats cannot be trained. That happened for several reasons. We all know that cats were almost equal to Gos in some ancient cultures. Who would dare to train a God?.. That’s right! And later on it was not common yet to record considerably small achievements of cats, thus they generally considered as rare or even unique.
Today, cats videos, pictures, and memes are on top of their popularity, proving only one thing: people love cats, and cats can do tricks! However, when you watch all those tricks online you shouldn’t expect that your cat will be able to repeat that, at least not from the very first attempt (you don’t know how many takes it was required for every great video to make it look natural) – just believe that your cat is a star! And don’t forget to treat him properly for all, even small, victories!cat-tricks

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