Digital Marketing And Its Advantages Over Traditional Marketing

Before the digital era, the advertising methods used to promote a business would today be considered “traditional marketing”. These include things like: TV ads, radio ads, newspaper ads, billboards, bulletin boards, flyers and pamphlets, ads in the phonebook, business cards, and word of mouth (arguably still one of the best methods).

While many of these methods can still work well (depending on a variety of factors), many business today have shifted their advertising focus to digital media. “Digital marketing”, as it is called, includes all advertising done via the internet, particularly social media marketing and sponsored ads on search engines and websites. Content marketing and SEO also play a significant role in digital marketing.

With the world so connected via the web as it is today, with billions of internet and social media users, digital advertising has some decided advantages.

While traditional advertising is usually extremely localized and can be extremely expensive, digital advertising can either be extremely localized OR on a regional or even global scale, and at a fraction of the cost of some traditional methods.

Traditional marketing relies on the hope that enough of the right people will see or hear the message and take action; Digital marketing, on the other hand, can actually be specifically targeted and placed right in front of all the right people, and even at all the right times, and in all the right places, to help them make a purchasing decision and/or to become more engaged with your brand, company, or organization.

Traditional marketing can be great for people who are not on the internet, which includes people who are commuting or out and about. Digital marketing is great for anyone on the internet, which is believed to be largely the younger generation.

Obviously though, you’re less likely to see any digital marketing while you’re out and about… unless you’re glued to your “smart” device. On the flip side of things, whereas traditional marketing can be tangible (such as with paper advertising), digital marketing is all online, and there’s a LOT of other choices out there, readily available, so content can be easily forgotten about.

Another difference is that with traditional marketing, audiences don’t really have a choice of whether or not they see the ads which are placed out there. With digital marketing, on the other hand, the audience has control over whether or not they see an ad, and can choose what kind of ads they want to see.

All in all, some businesses may do better through traditional means, while others through digital. It is likely, however, that a mixture of both could be the best option for most businesses. You’ll find a lot more interesting information comparing the two marketing methods in the following infographic. Enjoy.


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