Interesting facts about computer virus

“It was in late 90’s when the Melissa virus was intruded by crime syndicates that were quite influential, which force IT and tech based organizations especially Microsoft to disable its email system so that it can be destroyed permanently. It is quite surprising to know that virus files used to get intruded in the other PCs through floppy disk when the technology of computer network was not incepted. Though, it was a beginning stage of computers; so many people used to bring floppy disk into practice for transferring information and new programs.
As per the research conducted by Microsoft Security Intelligence Report, the households are adversely affected by computer virus as various phishing activities conducted by scammers results in financial crises. Apart from this, Amazon, one of the biggest online shopping portals has become the victim of phishing attack with other major organization hit frequently due to the same issue is Apple and EBay.
Computer virus
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One comment

  1. Nice information on virus, which help people to protect their pc, laptop .

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