Fatal Crashes & Their Root Causes

Our daily commutes can be affected in many ways that can result from our own personal behaviors, or from other motorists who are commuting alongside. Regardless, there are a multitude of factors that come into play when considering how safe we are on the roads, and some of the impacts that result from our behaviors.


Upon examining the trends, most will find that distracted driving and alcohol play key factors in our safety on the roads. Devices like smart phones and tablets can cause distractions that takes away the attention of drivers and puts them and other motorists around them in danger. Taking your attention off of the wheel for a split second can have major impacts and can cause serious threats for those around you.

Furthermore, drunk driving is a key player in the number of crashes, specifically in Texas. In 2015, alcohol involved accidents contributed to 715 fatal accidents throughout the state. As a result, even more fatalities were reported from these accidents- increasing the total number of fatalities to 798. These numbers are a strong example of how drinking and driving not only affects the driver making the poor decision, but other motorists and their families.

Sadly, other innocent victims died in accidents due to another drivers negligent decision to get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol.

When we examine further, we can learn that another 379 accidents were the direct result of drugged driving in 2015. From those accidents, 448 fatalities were reported throughout the state, in the year 2015. Again, more innocent victims and their families were impacted by the decisions made by an individual who decided to use drugs and get behind the wheel. Sadly, these trends are similar for almost all areas of the United States, as well as globally.

A very important, notable aspect to take away from these findings is the location of where they are taking place. Most fatal accidents involving drunk and distracted driving tend to take place close to universities and colleges. It goes without saying, that these statistics can be used to implement further actions among university staff and law enforcement to ensure they are decreasing these types of occurrences.

Driver Decision Based Actions

Its notable to consider the other variables that come into play when we examine the statistics behind the accidents over the past several years. In states like Texas, road rage and careless driving are actions that increase the number of accidents experienced by motorists each and every year.

In 2015, six fatal accidents, and six total fatalities are the direct result of road rage among drivers. Road rage is commonly referred to the intentional act of drivers to cause chaos while on the road, usually a direct result of becoming upset or annoyed with another driver. Since these are intentional acts, it’s noteworthy to consider that any life that is lost due to these behaviors is an important factor when we examine Texas roadway accidents.

More importantly, careless driving is a larger-scale contributing factor that contributes to fatalities on Texas roadways. Its extremely important to evaluate these statistics- which are among the highest of all accident contributions in 2015. A total of 813 fatalities are a result of 710 fatal accidents in 2015 caused by careless drivers.
You can view these findings and many more accident statistics by visiting the resource below.

Fatal Crashes Plotting Types
Infographic Source: https://www.herrmanandherrman.com/tx-fatal-crashes/

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