Common Trucking Accident Causes

Common Trucking Accident Causes

Trucking accidents can result in devastating consequences due to their size and weight. Understanding the leading causes can help prevent these incidents and ensure safer roads for all. Here are the top culprits: Brake Failure: Faulty brakes can lead to loss of control, especially when carrying heavy loads. Regular maintenance and inspections are crucial. Bald or Blown Tires: Worn-out tires …

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Guide to Heart Disease: Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment


Heart disease is a broad term used to refer to any medical condition affecting the body’s circulatory system. It’s a deadly condition that causes millions of death around the world every year, making it vital to identify and understand the common risk factors of the disease. Also known as cardiovascular disease (CVD), heart disease encompasses a group of disorders that …

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Guide to Diabetes: Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), diabetes is one of the most common illnesses globally. Figures show that over 422 million people are diagnosed with this condition and that a large portion of these cases can be found in low- and middle-income countries. Since it causes around 1.6 million deaths yearly, it’s only right to conclude that the disease …

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Food Allergies: Causes, Testing and Treatment

Approximately 8% of children and 10.8% of adults suffer from food allergies, according to a JAMA Network Open survey. Many allergy sufferers are not getting the food allergy treatment needed. When the immune system mistakenly identifies proteins in a food type as a danger, an allergic reaction is caused. The body then releases chemicals to counter the threat or allergen, …

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Possible Causes of Tread Separation

The purpose of this infographic is to help car owners understand what the possible causes of the tread separation of their tires are. There are four possible causes that this infographic covers. The first is improper flat repair. If the tire is not repaired properly, it may cause tread separation at an unusually fast pace. Second, excessive wear. When there …

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Dry Eyes – Symptoms, Causes and Prevention

Dry eyes can be a serious issue. Dry eyes usually causes when the tear gland does not produce enough tear for an eye. Because of which you cannot resist dust and other foreign material which may hurt your eyes. Some of the most common dry eyes symptoms are red eyes, sore eyes, itchy eyes, burning sensation, blurred vision. Also it …

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Causes of Blurry Vision

Sharp and clear vision can help you cruise through the world, from making sure you don’t trip over something at home to ensuring you don’t miss a traffic sign. Blurry vision can sometimes make you feel like you have a filter over your eyes and your life is no longer in focus. It can either affect a part of your …

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Glaucoma: Types, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

If you are experiencing some health issues like seeing halos and glares around the lights, or is there a sudden vision loss, or a severe headache and pain in your eyes. Then you could be possibly suffering from a severe eye disorder, called Glaucoma. There are various factors which can damage your eyes and can gradually lead to vision loss …

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Fatal Crashes & Their Root Causes

Our daily commutes can be affected in many ways that can result from our own personal behaviors, or from other motorists who are commuting alongside. Regardless, there are a multitude of factors that come into play when considering how safe we are on the roads, and some of the impacts that result from our behaviors. Evaluation Upon examining the trends, …

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Shoulder Pain and The Likely Causes

Shoulder joint is one of the most intricate joint of the body. The achieved liberty of activity in the shoulder in human beings is at the expenditure of sacrifice to security of the shoulder. Because we are not quadrupetals we are hardly ever it ever before involve our upper extremity right into shut kinetic chain task, consequently proximal security (neck, …

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