The Power of America: How Electricity is Generated in the Certain States

Being the owner of a home can be a challenging job. For most homeowners, finding a way to lower the cost of their monthly expenses is a top priority. The electricity bill is usually one of the largest monthly expenses a homeowner will have to pay. On average, American homes use around 914 kWh a month. The electricity company you have plays a critical role when you want to lower your bill expenses. It’s essential to choose wisely the provider you’ll hire. For instance, you can search for Gexa Energy reviews and see their customers’ experiences to know if their service and rates will work for you.

Finding the lowest energy rate will not be easy. The electricity prices vary in every state which is why you need to do your homework before choosing an energy supplier. Read below for more information on how various states in American generate the power used by its citizens.


Alabama No Longer Runs on Just Coal

In the past, the electricity provided to the homes and businesses in Alabama was produced by coal. In fact, over half of the electricity generation was coal-based in Alabama in 2001. However, the aging coal plants in this state have either closed since then or have transitioned to an easier energy generation source.

In 2017, natural gas was the substance mostly used to produce electricity in this state. Nuclear power plants were second on the list of electricity generation methods in Alabama. Most people fail to realize that Alabama produces more energy than it needs on a consistent basis. The additional energy is generally sent to bordering states. Nearly a third of the over electricity output in Alabama is sent elsewhere.

California is More Progressive with Their Electricity Generation Methods

For nearly 20 years, natural gas has been the leading source of electricity generation in California. However, in the past few years, there has been a noticeable shift in the amount of renewable energy being used in this state. In fact, over half of the power produced in California last year came from renewable sources like hydro-pumps, solar and windmills.

While hydroelectric power production declined in 2014 and 2015 due to drought conditions in California, it has started to rise again. Last year, hydroelectric power was the top producer of renewable energy in this state. Solar power is also a commonly used renewable energy production methods.

Over the past few years, the number of people using solar power has nearly doubled in California. Recent acts and bills were passed to ensure there are zero-carbon sources of electricity in place in California by 2045. This means that you will only see the renewable sources of energy generation grow in this state in the future.


Florida is a Natural-Gas State

Like Alabama, Florida was a predominantly coal-powered state a few short years ago. As coal production has become more inefficient and expensive, many states are making a shift to natural gas. In the past two years, Florida has generated power mostly by using natural gas. Most people fail to realize that Florida is the second-largest producer of electricity in the United States. The only state that produces more electricity is Texas.

While the nickname for Florida is the Sunshine State, solar power is not very popular in this part of the country. Not only is solar power not widely used in Florida, there are also no renewable energy requirements on the books in this state. The amount of electricity generated in Florida with the help of natural gas is nearly double the national average, which is quite impressive.

Do Your Homework Before Choosing an Energy Provider

Instead of rushing through the energy provider selection process, you need to do your homework. The time and energy you put into weighing the options you have in your state will be worth it. With this research, finding the cheapest energy rates will be easy.

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