How To Embed YouTube Videos Into A PowerPoint Presentation

A recent statistic by Youtube claims that a whopping 300 hours of video footage is being uploaded every minute on the platform and almost 5 billion videos are being viewed every day. These staggering statistics show that we are creating and consuming video content at a rapidly increasing rate.

It is also now common knowledge that visual aids are enhancements to a presentation that can engage the audience, provide additional information, and reinforce key points there by making the process of knowledge transfer easier. Videos being the most effective form of visual aids are therefore an essential in presentations.

Surprisingly enough, the process of embedding Youtube videos in a presentation is not as straight forward as one might expect. The version of Powerpoint you are using, whether you want the video to be played live during the presentations, how you want it to appear – all these factors can make it a little confusing especially for the Powerpoint noobs.

This is why, we have come up with a simple infographic, that goes over 4 ways and step by step instructions on making this work. You can choose whichever method suits your requirements the best.

Embed YouTube Videos Into A PowerPoint Presentation
Infographic Source:

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