How to Get Rid of Acne – 61 Methods

Acne huge source of stress for teens (and adults) everywhere. Some reports claim that acne affects 80 percent or more of people worldwide at some time throughout their lives. That is a huge number of people that have to deal with the pain, embarrassment and stress of acne.
Unfortunately, getting rid of acne is neither easy nor guaranteed. Many treatments only work for certain types of acne or certain types of skin. It can take a lot of trial and error to see which treatment your skin responds well to.
This infographic can help you compare and decide on the best acne treatment for your situation. It was created by Acne Authority, and it reviews 61 potential acne remedies. You can find reviews of natural acne treatments as well as the most common doctor recommended treatments. It also looks at what kinds of vitamins and nutrients are most helpful. It even looks at some far out alternative treatments (Weird stuff like using urine to treat acne).
Basically, it gathers all the acne treatments out there into one place and compares them so you can figure out which one works best for you. Have a look and see if you can find the perfect acne remedy for you!

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