How to grow your small business with an effective website

Small business owners know the importance of having an effective website to stand out in the competitive marketplace these days. But, many people find it challenging and not have enough time to take this task of building their website themselves.
When creating a website, a lot of small business owners create basically an online card i.e Website which includes a company name, list of services and phone number. Some may even add their social page. But that’s not enough to attract your customers.
A website should be much more then a business card. If you want your customers to choose you on internet over your competitors, here is what you need to remember. You are not alone. You need to make sure you add quality content, graphics and links on your website. Your competitors are on internet as well, so you need to stand out.
When searching for a product / service, a prospect usually uses keywords to search his desired business on search engine like Google. A list of businesses will be shown from which he will open few websites and read their information regarding their business, then choose one or may be more. For that you need to prepare yourself for this competition on internet.
Remember, a poorly designed site can be detrimental to a business and result in losing potential customers. The following infographic, “55 Features Every Small Business Website Must Have“will help you to attract your potential customers and reduce the possibility to drive customers away from your website, as this infographic includes what you need to consider regarding your website’s layout, content, graphics and more.
Here are 55 features that you need to consider for your small business website:
Grow Your Small Business

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