How to Make a Nature Scrapbook With Your Kids

Scrapbooking has been an activity that’s captivated generations of children. What better time to get arts and crafty with your kids than during lockdown? Whilst the world moves slightly slower than normal, it’s the perfect time to keep your child entertained and educated about the great outdoors by creating a nature scrapbook.

Trunki wants every family to get out their scissors and glue to create a scrapbook from natural resources – simply head out to your local park, forest or beach and collect some leaves, twigs or pebbles. Then head home and get your little ones to stick them into your very own nature scrapbook.

Taking the time to show your children the beauty of nature is a fulfilling and fun pastime for the whole family. There’s no better way to make this happen than to do some good old fashioned scrapbooking.

Take a look at our infographic for a step by step guide.


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