16 Important Things Recruiters Should Look for in a Resume

Recruiters have an eagle eye for resumes. If you are planning to go job hunting soon, there are several things to include in your resume before hitting the send button. By knowing these information, It can increase your chances in landing an interview or if you are lucky the job itself. Did you know that almost 90% of resumes are submitted online? It only proves that nowadays hiring talents are being done online. The process of job application have become easier and faster. Although this is the case there is a downside and that is recruiters are more meticulous on this matter. The main goal is to be a stand out from the rest. To breeze through the screen process, the infographic can provide guidelines on how to create a perfect CV. It also includes some red flags to watch out for and the things to add on your resume.
Infographic Source: http://manilarecruitment.com/manila-recruitment-articles-advice/important-things-recruiters-look-resume-cv-infographic/

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