To most Americans, it is necessary to have separate social media accounts for personal and professional purposes. On younger demographics such as Millennials and Gen Z, using a different platform for the specific type of people is the way to go.
When it comes to emails, having separate accounts is mandatory. A work email is usually provided by the company you work for, and sometimes, the company even requires you to make social media accounts for your company.
One of the most used apps today is WhatsApp. There are 400 million estimated WhatsApp users, and India has the lead for most people in the world using the application.
However, it is strange that most WhatsApp users use their accounts for work-related purposes. This can lead to multiple problems, and the best option is to create another WhatsApp account.
If you are still skeptical about this idea, here is an infographic from TeleMessage that tells you the benefit of having a second WhatsApp on your phone.
Infographic Source: