Less is more: more happiness and freedom by owning less stuff

Research has it that an average American house has more than doubled in the last 50 years. However, 10% of the American citizens are renting out space for storage.

This means they are buying more than what they really need. But is it necessary?

Many minimalists shared their stories about how their lives have changed since they started de-cluttering. Sure, the number of physical things will always depend on such things as a profession, location, family status, hobbies and so on. However, independently of who you are – there is no need to buy and own thousand of physical things.

Some people may be shocked and many will not even believe, but there are people who live with less than 100 things (this includes everything: charger for your smartphone, kitchen items, clothes, your toothbrush, etc.). Of course, there is no need to go crazy about it and the goal is not the exact numbers, but the idea itself. You just can start to make small, but consistent steps to getting rid of unnecessary things – and soon you’ll be amazed how dramatically your lifestyle can change.

Have a look at the following infographics created by Bestpicko for more insights and inspiration.


2 thoughts on “Less is more: more happiness and freedom by owning less stuff”

    • Karima, thank you very much for your kind words. It’s always very pleasant to receive such a warm feedback!
      Best regards,


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