OnRecycle Mobile Advertising

Every year there is an influx of new mobile phones that make old phones obsolete. But what happens to these old mobiles once they’ve been replaced? Mostly they get chucked away without a second thought, or locked away in a draw to never be seen again. Only 11% are recycled. But OnRecycle is attempting to change this.
If just 42 mobiles were recycled it would save enough energy to provide power to a home for an entire year. If that doesn’t cause any alarm bells to start ringing then consider that recycling just 1 mobile battery is enough to save 60,000 liters of water from contamination…that is the equivalent to three full size Olympic swimming pools!Facts like these prove how valuable recycling old mobiles is and we hope you see it the same way. With this in mind we have created this info-graphic to encourage and highlight the key points in the importance of increased mobile recycling.Recycle Mobile Advertising

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