Should You Get A Divorce Before School Starts?

This infographic from Schultz & Associates, LLC gives you a path to think through when contemplating getting divorced before school starts. Parents wanting to get divorced are not alone in planning the timing of the divorce around the school year.
Statistics show that divorce rates peak in August and remain high through the end of summer before dropping to an annual low during the winter months. There is no single “right” time to start the process, and deciding when to get divorced is something that requires you to give due consideration to all of the relevant circumstances involved.
Carrie S. Schultz is a child of divorce herself, having to deal with the shock and pain of losing the life she knew with her parents when they were married. Now as a divorce lawyer, she is passionate about helping couples start their new lives on the right note so that their children have the best chance of success in their new life also.
If you decide to file for divorce before your children start school, here are five tips you can follow to make the process easier for everyone involved.
Infographic Source:

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