What Happens in a Single Minute on The Internet?

The Internet is expanding, and it is making the world a global village. As per Internet World Stats, the number of people who have access to the internet and are using it has increased to 4,208,571,287; this makes up roughly 60% of the total world population.

As per the research conducted by Cumulus Media a famous radio broadcasting company, every minute on the internet Google performs 3.7 million searches, and 4 million snaps are created on Snapchat. The infographic below depicts what happens in a single minute on the internet.

  • Every minute 18 million messages are sent over Viber every minute
  • 3 million YouTube videos are viewed every 60 Seconds
  • Around 266,000 Hours of videos are watched on Netflix each minute
  • 1 million left and right swipes are carried on Tinder
  • $862,823 is spent online every minute
  • A total of 873,000 logins of Facebook are performed by users across the globe under 1 minute.

Single Minute on The Internet

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