Did you know the average UK electrician earns £32,315? How about that only 1% of UK electricians are female? Obviously, there is work to be done to encourage women into the profession!
These are just a couple of the interesting statistics regarding electricians in the UK included in this infographic. Other topics which are covered include the employed vs self-employed split, the average age of the highest earning electricians and how the salary of a UK electricians compares to their counterparts across the world.
If you are currently working as an electrician in the UK these statistics will be of interest. They provide an overview of the professional as a whole and an insight into how your current working life compares. Alternatively, if you are considering becoming an electrician, this infographic is a great resource to help weigh up the pros and cons of the electric industry compared to other professionals that you are potentially considering.
Infographic Source: https://www.tradesparky.com/Blog/uk-electrician-statistics-an-infographic